Building Safety: Life Skills for Grade 1 Children

Feeling safe is one of the most fundamental life skills that first graders need to develop. This skill is not only about helping children feel protected and loved but also about empowering them to confidently explore the world around them and achieve holistic development. This article will provide parents and teachers with valuable knowledge and methods to help first graders build a sense of safety.

The Importance of Feeling Safe for First Graders

Developing a sense of safety is crucial for first graders. At this stage, children are entering a new learning environment, encountering many strangers, and facing new challenges. A strong sense of safety will help children become more confident, reduce anxiety, and better integrate into their new environment. Children who feel safe are more likely to express themselves boldly, participate in learning and play activities, and effectively develop other skills. Conversely, if children lack a sense of safety, they may become shy, withdrawn, fearful, and struggle with learning and communication.

How to Help First Graders Build a Sense of Safety?

There are many ways to help first graders build a sense of safety. Here are some suggestions:

  • Create a loving and stable family environment: Family is the first and most important place for children to feel safe. Parents need to show love, care, and listen to their children. A stable family environment, free from conflicts and arguments, will help children feel secure and protected.
  • Listen and share: Take the time to listen to your children’s sharing, even about small things. Being listened to will help children feel respected and cared for. When children face difficulties, work together to find solutions instead of scolding or judging them.
  • Encourage children to express emotions: Teach children how to recognize and express their emotions in a healthy way. Do not force children to suppress emotions; let them cry, laugh, and be angry naturally.
  • Teach children self-protection skills: Equip children with the necessary knowledge and skills to protect themselves in dangerous situations, such as refusal skills, calling for help, and staying away from strangers. Integrating the “feeling safe” life skill into daily activities is essential for first graders.

Feeling Safe at School

School is also an important environment for children to build a sense of safety. Teachers need to create a friendly, warm classroom and encourage cooperation among students. Organizing group activities and team games will help children integrate with friends and feel like part of a community. Teachers also need to pay attention to each student, listen, and share with them to build trusting relationships. Emphasizing the “feeling safe” life skill is crucial in the school environment for first graders.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan, an elementary school teacher with 20 years of experience, shares: “Creating a sense of safety for first graders is very important. A child who feels safe will learn better, be more confident, and develop more comprehensively.”


The “feeling safe” life skill for first graders is the foundation for their comprehensive development. By creating a loving, supportive environment and equipping children with necessary skills, we can help first graders build a solid sense of safety, enabling them to confidently step into life.


  1. How do I know if my child feels safe?
  2. What should I do when my child is afraid of going to school?
  3. How to teach my child self-protection skills?
  4. What is the role of the school in building a sense of safety for first graders?
  5. Why is feeling safe important for a child’s development?
  6. How to help children overcome fear?
  7. What activities help children build a sense of safety?

Describe common situations questions.

First graders are often afraid of getting lost, encountering strangers, or being alone. They may cry, cling to adults, or become silent and withdrawn.

Suggested other questions, other articles available on the website.

You can explore more articles on the “SOFT SKILLS” website about other life skills for first graders, such as communication skills, independence skills, and cooperation skills.